Looks like B.H. Obama is the latest Democrat with a questionable land deal:

    Largely overlooked in the hubbub over the Democrats' election sweep last month was Obama's backpedaling over a questionable land deal he struck in 2005 with a tainted political fund-raiser, Tony Rezko, who has since been indicted by feds in an alleged pay-to-play scheme.

    The seeds for the deal were planted in 2004, when Obama got a big-money book contract after winning his Senate seat. With the book cash, he bought a swanky Illinois mansion in June 2005 for $1.65 million. On the same day that Obama closed on the home, Rezko paid $625,000 for the adjacent vacant lot.

    Six months later, Obama expanded the size of his yard by buying a strip of Rezko's land for only $105,000.

    Obama insists the transaction was aboveboard, but he has been contrite about the appearance of impropriety.