
If watching Obama has taught me anything, it's that his middle name won't be an issue for very long one way or the other.

In the long run I think his name will be a plus factor for him.

[quotesomething that we on the left have come to expect,

Well, not everyone can be so exalted as the left, but I'm glad you have all become content to look down on us with pitty rather than disdain.


If anything, I take G-man's naming of this thread as proof that G-man and others like him are scared of what Obama could do in '08 if he chose to run. If the midterm elections were any indication, people like Obama and Mrs. Clinton would stand a very good chance against whoever chose to run on the other side of the aisle. An Obama/Clinton ticket or Clinton/Obama ticket would be devastating.

I would have to agree with you. I'm not so pollyannish as some others on both sides of the isle can be to ignore a genuine threat from the other side. Obamma worries me, because I dissagree with his policies and think they would be far more harmfull than even Hillary, but I also think he can win, because his would really not be a campaign of policies, but rather an "outsider vs. the status quo" campaign, wich would be very effective in teh current climate.

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