MEM has pretty much said he is a dyed in the wool, kool aid drinking, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton supporter.

As such, it is not suprising that he won't admit that she has more motive than any one to take down Barack Hussein Obama at this time.

The simple fact of the matter is that, pre-convention, potential candidates from both parties are as likely, if not more likely, to attack other candidate from their own parties.

After all, if a candidate can't win the nomination, it doesn't matter who the other party runs.

So Clinton is going to attack Obama and Edwards in her quest to get nominated (and vice versa).

On the GOP side, McCain is going to attack Guiliani and Rommney (and vice versa).

This is nothing new.

In 1980, Bush Sr attacked Reagan before they became running mates. In 1984, Walter Mondale went after Gary Hart. In 1988, it was a democrat who first attacked Dukakis over Willie Horton. And in 2000, Gore attacked Bill Bradley as a racist.

The idea that Hillary is now, suddenly, above doing what every other candidate does, is laughable.