Some reports indicate that Obama was a Muslim up until 1992 and that he only changed his religion only so that he could marry:

    The evidence seems to show that both Ann Dunham (Obama's mother) and her husband Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo (his stepfather) were in fact devout Muslims themselves and they raised their son as such.

    To further support this, two of Obama's classmates in Indonesia at the time one who is now the CEO of Indonesia's national airline and the other a bank manager in Jakarta remember a very different Obama, a very religious one that was well versed in Islam and liked to recite his prayers.

    "[Obama] was previously quite religious in Islam. His birth father, Barack Hussein Obama was a Muslim economist from Kenya.'

    "All the relatives ... were very devout Muslims"

    "He was often in the prayer room wearing a 'sarong', at that time, he was quite religious in Islam but only after marrying Michelle, he changed his religion."