
PJP said:

Karl Hungus said:

the G-man said:
But even funnier, as noted above, is that they want a President who "understands" Islam.

Of course, by "understand," they really mean "kowtows to".

there's a difference between understanding and kowtowing. A president who understands it would be able to point out the flaws in the terrorist's interpretation of the religion. and it would avoid minor diplomatic problems that can arise from ignorance.
As a rule, I think to be elected president someone should have an understanding of all the major religions and cultures of the world. Not just be some cowboy wannabe.

You mean well with your post and your intentions....you really do....and in theory you are 100% correct.

Only problem is that there is no understanding Islam. These people are no better than serial killers and have the same ability as Charles Manson to rationalize with people. Muslims are bad. You can say well not all of them are bad and not all of them commit terror and that is true.....but the "good" muslims don't seem to mind all that much that these terrorists are doing their dirty work. If muslims were good people you would see more muslims denouncing terror and going after the terrorists instead of supporting them in silence.

No matter who is President they will still hate us. I don't know why that is so hard for some of you guys to understand. It wasn't that long ago that Clinton was the most hated man in the Muslim world....and in 2 years they won't even remember Dubya and will focus their attention on the new fresh meat we have in the White House.

The only way the muslims will ever leave us alone is if we give into their demands and stop supporting Israel. I would like to see President Obama do that and lose half the democratic party along with his decision. He'd be a worse one termer than Carter. Part of me hopes Obama wins so you guys can see that I'm right.....the other part of me doesn't want to see him win 'cause I have hardly anything in my wardrobe that would be in style for a nuclear winter.

I mostly agree PJP. One thing you are missing is that Americans cherish life. We are aghast at 1,000 or 3,000 dead. We are only ever contemplating using tactical nukes not ICBMs. For all the ways people say Americans are evil we aren't because we have never used nuclear blackmail on anyone (I'm not getting into the nuking Japan thing here at all). To America a nuclear first strike other than tactical smaller nukes to destroy bunkers or caves are never an option. But to a muslim country or a communist one-this is entirely not true. China threatens it, N Korea does, Muslim states do as well. The difference is that we cherish life...they do not. Those countries and people generally think collectively not as individuals. I'm not saying they do not feel pain when someone they know dies-that would be inhuman, but they think of life, living, and spreading their idealogy differently than we do.