It's crystal clear in G-man's linked and quoted article that Obama is not a pedophile, doesn't support pedophelia, and wants this pedophile jerk to remove any links to Obama campaign photos that imply otherwise.

There's no negative to Obama in it, beyond the fact that he's burdened by unwanted and unsolicited association with some pedophile jerk.

However, I'd go a step further myself, beyond what either G-man or the linked article have said, and muse that it's wrongheaded and decadent liberal ideas that makes this guy bond with Obama in the first place.
The party of abortion.
The party of gay rights.
The party of gay marriage.
The party of suppression of religious freedom.
The party of purging Bible reference and prayer from all our government institutions (ignoring that we are a nation inspired by the Bible, that a contract government is an extension of the contract between God and Man in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, and that all the founding fathers considered biblical principles and teaching the Bible in schools to be essential to the continued health of American democracy).
The party of assisted suicide.
And the party of less indirect euthanasia.
The party of attacking America as a racist society, promoting multicultural ethnic rifts that weaken America.
The party that opposes stopping illegal immigration and calls anyone who proposes stopping illegal immigration a "racist". (Although, in fairness on this last point, George W. Bush, separate from other Republicans, has been particularly weak on defending our borders.)

So... it seems to me poetic justice that some decadent schmuck would come out of the woodwork and attach himself to Obama. Because for all the sugarcoating by liberals, the decadence of liberalism is the closest political pole to endorsing pedophilism. As well as all the sickos into bondage and discipline, sadomasochism, transgender circus freaks, she-males, and whatever other freaked-out buttfuck political weirdness is out there.


the G-man said:
Obama Strikes Back at Pedophile

    Ashford, who is brazen enough to post his photo on his site along with a long biography that reveals he has a daughter, wrote Bauer to say that pedophilia itself is not the same as child molestation and is not illegal on its face.

    "Pedophilia, according to the definition of the American Psychiatric Association is a sexual attraction to children. It does not imply any action whatsoever upon that attraction. ... Whilst I agree that under the laws of many nations, sexual contact with children is illegal, my website does not encourage anybody to break the law. In fact, it clearly discourages illegal activity. It does support using democratic means to encourage dialogue and reconsider such statutes," Ashford wrote.

This is precisely the kind of legalism and moral ambiguity and wiggle-room that characterizes the broader spectrum of liberalism over the last 40 years.

Why wouldn't these guys bond with Obama and other liberals?
They are ideologically the same.
There is the same complex legalistic rationalization for homosexuality, abortion, euthanasia, and other liberal causes.


    Aside from the adoration of young girls, Ashford also uses the site to rail against the United States, which he calls "the Evil Empire," and [to] post anti-Israel commentary, among other topics.

See? He's ideologically the same as other liberals, pursuing a self-serving agenda that is destructive to America.
And in this particular case, destructive to Obama's campaign.

But don't worry, the liberal media will bury this story. Whereas if it was a pedophile linking photos of a Republican candidate, or an endorsement of a Republican by the KKK or somesuch, it would be page 1, and lead the broadcast news programs for a week. So don't worry, no matter what the political damage, Obama will get a free pass.

Fortunately, there are some sane Democrats who aren't aligned with this brand of liberalism that has infected and dominated the Democrats for 40 years.

But unfortunately, these destructive liberals are the dominant force among Washington's Democrat leadership, and far-sighted pro-American Democrats (Lieberman, Dodd, Dorgan, Nunn, Biden...) are few and far between.