Barack Hussein Obama is barely behind Hillary in first quarter fundraising.

This could be good news for Obama. Bad news for Hillary.

Hillary has the whole Clinton machine behind her, and the backing of prominent Democrats, and was essentially able to be two places at once by dispatching Bill.

She's been preparing for this moment for at least six years, and a young upstart comes out of nowhere to nearly tie her in the one area that was expected to be her strongest suit.

Obama also raised the money with a staggering 100,000 contributors, double the amount of Hillary, showing the depth of his support at the grassroots level.

This reinforces a view that Hillary is disliked by many rank and file members of the party, who not only disapprove of her, but resent the fact that her candidacy is being shoved down their throats. Clearly, with $26 million, she's in a strong position among Democrats, but Clinton's status as the inevitable nominee just took a huge hit.