
rex said:

Wonder Boy said [as trollishly scripted by rex, ignoring what WB clearly posted above]:
My primary objections to Obama has to do with his race.


Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said:
maybe Wonder Boy isn't so much offended by Obama's race, but more the fact that one of his parents was white.
WB is very big on racial purity.


what Wonder Boy ACTUALLY said:
Yeah, I did describe meeting the daughter of a Pakistani couple that owned a restaurant I ate at for years, who were very friendly toward me, and when I expressed an interest in their daughter (very beautiful!) they very uncharacteristically changed, and said she's muslim and she only dates Pakistani men.

I similarly described a Vietnamese co-worker who, when I asked her out after a year on the job together, said she only dates Vietnamese men.
Both incidents I found rather racist. They certainly would have labelled me a racist if I said I only date white Protestant women.
And other incidents involving discriminatory behavior by black co-workers and employers. It happens to whites as well.

But I'm hardly traumatized by it. I've dated women from Morocco(muslim), Iran(non muslim), Spain(Catholic), the Phillipines (who I wanted to marry, but she moved away), plus women from all over central America, South America and the Caribbean.

I was just making the point that people who are quick to label myself and other white Americans as racist, are often laughably racist themselves.

Yeah, I clearly am the white racist you portray me as, who only dates women of "racial purity".

Except that both the women I almost married don't fit the racial label you slapped on me (one Phillipine, one hispanic).