He got laid off somewhat indirectly. After the plane shit then everyone was losing jobs and since he was a really high paid senior employee, he got the boot. The company couldn't afford him anymore. That's also one of the reasons he hasn't gotten hired anywhere else.

It's kinda his fault though. About six months ago he was offered a job in, like, Arizona or something and didn't take it because he wanted to 'stay around and do stuff with us (his kids)'. Um, yeah, Thanks so fucking much, Dad. He hasn't had a relationship with me since I was fucking born. He might as well move the hell away.

Anyhoo, a porkpie hat, unless I'm mistaken, is like one of those newsboy hats. Like, wool or something and the top of the hat comes and attatches to the brim. Very british-jackass like. Arthur might wear one. I usually picture people wearing them on Vespas or something. Quite gay hats, really. Er, they're really hard to describe. If you want an example, I think one of those Cadmus clone kids wears one in the Death of Superman books. When people wear them I want to stick a 'Kick Me' sign on their back. Or maybe a 'Stab Me' sign.