Step One: Get underpants.
Step Two: ...
Step Three: Profit!

School was cancelled today from snow! Yay! Right after I finished all my classes! Whee.

I've always wanted to read Watchmen. It seemed pretty interesting. I'd also like to find Kingdom Come. Or, generally, anything else but HUSH right now. Woe is me.

I think my sister and I will be grocery shopping today. She's got her tax rebate back already so she's going to pay. Which is a mega bonus for me. Until I get mine and need to buy the groceries THAT month. Oh well. Life goes on.

Well, the more we hung out with weird Ian the less weird he was. In the end we all defaced a coffee table and it was like old times. Awww...
The coffee table looks a lot cooler now too. The only problem is that the crayon melts when hot stuff is put on top of it.

Oh shit we got SLAMMED at work yesterday. The weatherman called two feet of snow at the least so everyone and their mother had to get groceries. And when I was on carts it hailed a little bit. Ow.