Oh well, I got my DCMB account suspended last night.

I'm not mad it was still worth the laugh.

I'm just pissed I didn't get a warning.

I bumped every thread I ever made.

It was fun.

here is Rob's E-mail of doom :

well, at least now you have more of a reason to post at my board!



i just wanted to let you know i deleted a few of your posts as they were found to be spamming the boards (posting repeatedly for no reason)

because of this, your account has been suspended

if you wish to continue posting on the DCMBs, please re-read the contract of rules you "signed" when becoming a member.

if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email them to me.

Rob Kamphausen
DC Comics Message Boards Administrator / Moderator / Inventor of the steam engine

I expected to have my threads deleted and get a warning I was half right.

Plus I had a reason! I wanted to feel all big and powerful! Thats a reason!