Originally posted by Ultimate Jaburg53:
The avarage person couldn't hear the train untill it was two feet from thier face.

The average person is comparable to Tim Burton's version of Joker?

Yeah, I have a midterm at eight. Pbbthh.

I don't like freaking out.

Tomorrow I think I'll mosey on down to the card shop and look at 'Tec. It sounds so much cooler than Batman is right now.

When I get tired I get chatty.

When I get cold I get chatty too.

I was sick for a while this week.

It also snowed real bad. Alberquerque Lows mean snow for Colorado Springs. This was a classic example.

I sometimes wish I had a friend again. It's been a few years now. But then I remember that people are heels.

It'd still be nice sometimes.

A couple nights ago I had this reoccuring nightmare. It usually comes at times when i feel like I'll never really make anything of myself - just run through life like all the rest. The nightmare is gross. There're all these rotting, festering, pieces-missing corpses and its my fault they are like that. And I can't bring myself to tell anyone about it because they wouldn't understand. They'd put me in jail. But I can smell the stench and I can feel the rot. This is one of the 'dreams' that started when I was being medicated. Those kinds of medicines make your dreams just like real life (I had an entire world in my head. I couldn't even tell if I was asleep or awake sometimes. scary.) and its so hard to make it through the night with all that gore in my head. And the dream starts with me finding the first body. I step on it barefoot. And it's been dead for a while. And I can feel it between my toes.

I really really really hate that dream.

It puts me into some bad sorts for the next few days.

Sorry, am I dumping on you? You didn't have to read that.

I need to do something big. I have to make an impact, you know? I have a few goals... they seem so hard to reach. So far into the future. So unknown. So ...worthless sometimes. But I don't want to be 'just that girl.' I have to take over the world because I don't know what happens after you die.

I don't want to be like everyone else.

People tell me I need to find God. I wonder what that could do. Dillude myself into believing in a 'purpose?' I mean, I believe God's there. Sort of. "God the Father," right? Yeah.

What about you? There has to be something, yes? Or what...

I need to buy some superglue. My new shoes are already falling apart. That's bullshit right there.

Time takes too much time. Except when there's not enough.