Tec has been good. I hope the Penguin is dead.

Cmon Ed shake that shit up. Do it! Kill fuckin Pengy! You know you want to. Ed? Ed?....

Oh thats right Eds not listening anymore.

I wish someone would shake some shit up good again. Like Barbra Gordon.

That is one fucked up nightmare.

I mean I can say I have a reoccuring nightmare too ( Since I can remember) but mine isn't nearly as intense or disturbing.

And I have been thinking what better way for you to be remebered than the girl who tracked down osama and superglued his balls to his forehead.

Wow holy fucking shit we fucked up Iraq today.

I start to wonder if I should be enjoying this so much.

I mean we are blowing shit UP!

But every time I lose my smile I remember.

They we warned.

We pick military targets.

Even if we fuck up we won't kill 3000 innocent civilians.

The people of Iraq I sorta sympatize with but if I was living in Bagdad and this shit was coming round I would have gotten me the wife and kids plus the good chicken the fuck out of town by any means nessasary(fuck I can't spell, Sometimes yes sometimes no.). [woooOOOOoooo!]

Fuck Iraqi soldiers and government types. I love to see the fuck kicked out of them.

Today we did!

I have never seen anything like that. This is how 24 hour war coverage is at best a mixed blessing.

I hated reality TV untill this war.

I haven't watched this much TV since 9/11.

This is why we pay taxes.

Where does all that money go?

Big fucking bombs that find your murdering asshole.

Saddam is a cocksucker! I hope he lives to see his trial though.

I want to throw fruit and spit on him.