Did you hear that Iraqi press conferance? We are the Criminals. United State of Criminal. We are trained to be cirminals by the criminals. The united state of giants. Of Criminals.

Then all that shit about, "go to the hospitals and see the 207 injured by the american criminals." Yeah, fuckhead. Right. Maybe they wouldn't be injured if you guys hadn't, like, tied them up so they couldn't leave. Or maybe you should come to the hospitals and see those injured... and DEAD from 9-11 which happened because of your support. Oh, wait. You can't. They were fucking ATOMIZED it that case.


Did you see that guy in the liberated city? A marine was cutting down one of those 'big brother-esque' Saddam posters and a guy in the crowd pulled off his shoe and started beating the shit out of the poster. That was excellent. Makes it seem worth everything, you know?

But I don't like to talk about the war. I live in Military Capital, USA. I get enough already.

You know, I think Osama lived in Colorado Springs for a while. When I was a freshman (five... six years ago) I saw a guy looked exactly like him driving around in a minivan. Tell you what, that was freaky. 'Course nobody knew who I was talking about when I mentioned it to my friends and stuff... "Osama WHO?! What?" Yeah. They know who he is now, eh?

I tried to get a 'Tec issue. Everyone was sold. I even tried Media Play. Media Play!! All was not for naught, however. I got issues two and three of the Batgirl: Year One. Tight! What a breath of fresh air after reading only HUSH for months! Loving it. Babs is my new favorite character. Well, I always liked her before but I never had read any Batgirl stuff. I'm really liking it. She's cool. She FACE'd Robin. That was awsome.

Yeah, that was my mostest fucked up dream ever in the world. Scary as shit. I think I figured out what it is though. You know how dreams sometimes represent stuff? Yeah. Maybe now I won't have it anymore. That'd be cool.

And that was an understatement.

Oh, hell. I watched "The Black Hole" last night. The Disney one...
People are always telling me to see it 'cause I like black holes and that kind of stuff so I finally rented it. I noticed it was a 1979 make, so I didn't have high expectations for the science aspects. Plus it's a Disney. Their interpretation of science has always been neon lights and clear plastic shit. My sights couldn't have been set lower in that aspect.

But the movie itself, just as a movie...
It sucked so so so so SO much. Hell. SOSOSOSOSO much. There was no continuous storyline for one. It was like a schitsophrenic had done the final cut editing. Another really bad part was how, like George Lucas, they ignored certain laws of space. Unlike Lucas, however, they didn't follow theirs! If the spaceship was punctured and exposed to space one of three things would happen:
1. Something would blow inwards.
2. Space starts sucking them outwards and it might get cold enough to have snow FALLING.
3. Nothing at all. They can breathe and walk normally.
They didn't even keep continuity with gravity. In the begining their spaceship is almost pulled into the black hole, but then their stupid robot is able to use a tiny magnet and pull itself from the pull... and later people can float around in space without any effects at all. And when they all finally fall into the black hole, the bad guy ends up in hell and the good guys pass through with strange thoughts.

If you can't tell, I hated that flick.
Now I'm going to go home.
Maybe I'll watch the other movie we rented. Have you seen 'Undercover Brother?' I thought it looked funny...
Kung Pow. That was funny.
Sos 'Strange Brew.' I love Rick Morannis.

Oh, hey. Anyone know who did the "Land Shark" skit on SNL all those years ago? I think it may have been Dan Akroyd (oh lordy. spelling SPELLING!!)...

I hope I didn't repeat anything I had already said....
That'd be weird.