I have been here at my parents' house for almost six hours waiting to do my taxes. "Just another minute! I'm almost through." Bull Shit. On the plus side I've got three more pages done in JQ #1. On the minus side, I've also been hounding the DCMB (I just want someone to talk to...). I am SO fucking BORED.

And nothings going on. And I can't even go do my taxes 'cause the computer with the program is being used.

Another plus though... one of my mom's clients came in and needed a picture for a newsletter. So I drew it out and they like it so I got ten bucks! Woo! More comics money! Or I could always spend it on food... choices, choices.

I guess I'll pretend I'm talking to someone. That'll keep me occupied.

Or I could look up Hyeenas on the internet so I can draw them. They start showing up on the next page to draw in JQ. Hmm... Peacocks too.

Hell. I don't wanna do that.

My mom's retarded puppy is watching me. He's so retarded. And gross. But sometimes he can be cute... until he <inevitably> jumps up to 'tag' you. Then you've got muddy, wet, poopy doggie footprints on your shirt/pants. Uggh...

Maybe i could start to whistle or something. But that might be weird seeing as the TV is spouting how many people are dead right now. Bad idea.


Maybe I'll just go home. Taxes can wait 'till tomorrow, right?