Man, everyone's water is freakishly inconsistant. It's 'cause of them using a boiler for heat, I think. Try showering at, like, midnight or something. Less people are using the water at that time. I promise, it works out a lot nicer.

Yes, you missed me. Which is really sad... I was literally online for, like, eight hours yesterday. (Well, I was doing other stuff too but I checked back frequently from boredom.)

What was that you were saying over on the DCMBs? It was on the now-deleted 'O Jaburg' thread... something about seeing Rob's web log? I failed to see what you ment. Help?

I am loving Babs Year One.

"God creates us to assist one another."
My mom just said that to me. Odd.
Oh, wait. Some guy we don't know is going out on a limb to try and score my dad a job. Cool.

Yeah. I like her characterization. Honestly, that was the best part in the NML novel, IMO. She writes all kinds of stuff first person / journal like. I wish I was Batgirl. She's cool. ('Course, I'll take that without the Joker, mind you.) Maybe I'll get a Batgirl costume for Halloween. But then I can't be Frank (bunny in Donnie Darko). Hmm.... what choices...

I played some Batman: Vengance last night. I haven't played that in almost a year now.

Oh LORD! That always freaks me out. Fuck. Those damn military planes fly so low and they're so loud and you can't hear them until they've already passed over and are a diminishing speck in the distance... I know terrorists wouldn't be likely to pull the same trick again but ever since 9-11 it gives me the heebie jeebies. And its the absolute worst thing to be woken up by in the morning.

Ok, the game. I'm pretty happy. After a years rest, I, like, doubled how far I had previously gotten... in only four hours. :)
It's a fun game.

Ohp, heres the plane again. What are they, circling? Are they practicing or something? WTF?

Damn it! Why won't someone save that thread for me?! I asked and my Mom doesn't want it on her computers and I don't think it'll fit on floppy disks very well... or maybe it will. Maybe I should try that. Oh well. I got a thread to 19 pages. Woo HOO! Granted I did most of the posts....