All weekend we had this thing scratching in the walls. We called on Friday night and they said, "This isn't an emergancy, we won't come tonight." But it was the weekend. We were afraid the damn mouse or whatever would die and stink the hell out of the apartment. Well, today we called again and they said, "We can't really do anything. If you want, you can cut a hole in the wall and we'll patch it up later." So my sister's boyfriend brought over his dad's tools and cut a hole in the wall. It was a bird. A fucking huge bird. And it had bled ALL OVER the place. Gross as hell. Oh, and it died sometime today (sometime before noon, I suppose, due to the smell). But then there was the other thing. A mummified squirrel! It's little face was there all dry and shrunken and the mouth was open... So so so so so so GROSS! But cool.