Never seen it, but it sounds interesting.

I have seen a couple movies lately though. The Princess and the Warrior was another German film (made by same guy as Run Lola Run - has Franka Portiente in it too!). Very excellent. It's an action/psychological drama/strange romance. This girl works in a psych ward, gets run over by a truck (caused by the guy), the guy saves her life, she trys to find him thinking they were destined to be together, he's a freak and trys to get her to go away and throws her into the mud, so she throws mud at him.... bank robbery.... murders.... dad killed mom electrocuting her in the tub... dad tries to kill guy with a toaster.... GOOD movie.

Also we watched a Spanish horror flick The Devil's Backbone. It takes place during some war. A bomb hits an orphanage but doesn't explode. There's a ghost.... lots of good stuff. Murders, etc. The end was a little loose and unsatisfactory but it was still a really good movie.

I think I'm going to quit going to these MBs for a while.