Oh .....hello. Kwink told me she saw this so I was all curious why. It shoulda been on page, like, a million by now.

Do you know where Lord of Chaos is? I found his e-mail, but that seems a little intrusive.... It's so funny. At College Pharmacy where I work now, we sell a lot of hormones and shit. The pharmacists wander around all day making stuff and talking to customers on Britney Spears headset telephones... anyway, the funny bit is coming. Every day they get all these calls from customers wondering how to use the products. So they tell them. But they're hormones, see? So they're constantly saying shit like, "Insert it vaginally..." "Rub the creme thoroughly into your testes and inner thighs for three to five minutes..." ha ha ha... fun place to work. :lol: I think he'd like to work there.