I'm not sure if anyone else here remembers it, but back in the '80s there was this goofy event called "Hands Across America" where people held hands in an unsuccessful effort to make an unbroken chain of people from coast to coast (people wound up having to hold ropes to connect everyone). In spite of it not being a complete success, I think there should be a follow up on its 25th anniversary coming up in a few years. Now, America has changed so I don't think that a bunch of people holding hands is quite the message we'd like to send, so I propose "Give the World the Finger". Imagine it: Americans of all races, religions and lifestyles lining up along our borders and coasts, facing outward and giving the finger at the same time. We can show our unity in a display of disdain for everyone else. The 25th anniversary would be in May of 2011, so there's probably enough time to start spreading the word. Any thoughts?