
Jason E. Perkins said:

klinton said:

the G-man said:
Student Angry Over Lack of Black History Classes Stabs 3

And one wonders why no one outside the community gives a shit about the month.

And by "the community" I'm guessing you mean the black community, and by "one" I guess you mean...ummm, I really don't know who you mean by that.

Yeah, well, people outside the community really do care. Maybe not you and your close group of friends--to which I say "Meh"--but others do, black, white, yellow, green, and polka dot-on-the-forehead. I know this because it wouldn't still be a month you'd actually hear about every once a year otherwise. The black community alone wouldn't be enough support. It's true. Do you even know when Asian Pacific American Heritage Month is?

I guess it's also not a statement of any significance that every "Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard" in America, far from being a center of peace, is a center of crime, drugs and violence.

As I've said across several topics now (contrary to the "white racist" stereotype the liberal media likes to project) it is in fact blacks who commit the majority of racial violence against whites, at a ratio of about 50 incidents to 1.

Something motivates this violence by blacks against other racial groups. And I beleive it's the sense of entitlement, of something owed to blacks. An indoctinated sense of rage, that blacks are somehow given license to lash out in acts of violence.

And of liberal rationalization, not only within the black community, but also by non-black liberal politicians pandering to the black community, that rationalize such incidents as understandable backlash to "generations of racism" or whatever.

I say it again: every racial group on Earth has been discriminated against by every other group who could do so. Blacks are not unique in their suffering !

Should I sue the Italians for their Roman ancestors invading and seizing property of my ancestors?
The Huns?
The Vandals? The Visigoths?
The French?
The Scandinavians?
The Mongols?

How much is enough?

I'm proud of the fact that the United States has come so far with civil rights. And I regard the attitude that clings to the past, and pretends it's still 1965, as spoiled, arrogant, and a breeding ground for precisely the kind of violence this article cites.
I can discuss similar incidents, that are just as close to my home. This attitude in the black community has to end, so the nation can move on, and blacks can enjoy the freedom that truly exists now.

As I've said previously, while there are many incidents of black violence against other racial groups, there are many more blacks who feel that indoctrinated anger, but would not take that anger to the level of violence. But the indoctinated angry message is there just the same, and that is the true cause of alienation between blacks and the rest of America.

And I have to wonder based on that: Are Martin Luther King Day and Black History Month true celebrations of freedom?
Or are they, in truth, part of the divisive "hate whitey" culture of rage?