
Karl Hungus said:
I live in a black neighborhood, and a pretty shitty one at that. I get along fine and have never had a problem because I don't approach them like they're lesser than me.
Give that a try some time.

I grew up in what's considered one of the rougher neighborhoods in Cleveland on a demographic basis. And yeah, our house got broken into four times, and yeah, my father had a gun in his face twice. But you know what? Of the many people in that neighborhood we knew, there were good people there. Honest, caring people. People just like us. (Actually there weren't even that many differences in appearance, considering the multiethnic nature of my family.) And even if the people there didn't all look like me and speak the same primary language as me (not a problem for me anyway), they were all just as human as me. Yeah, there are bad apples, but you'll find those wherever you go. There are reasons for a higher concentration of them, but the genetic background of the people there is most definitely not one of them. So I'm afraid I would have to side with adler over DtWB on this one.

Damn you, adler. I've had to agree with you for the third time today.


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