
Wonder Boy said:

Jason E. Perkins said:
I'll start here and respond in the way I would.


Wonder Boy said:
I guess it's also not a statement of any significance that every "Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard" in America, far from being a center of peace, is a center of crime, drugs and violence.

No, it isn't. Is it a statement of any significance that there was a shooting last year on Washington Boulevard in Pembroke Pines? What happens on a street named after someone has absolutely nothing to do with what they did in their lifetime. I could name my dog Rush Limbaugh. If he bites someone it means I have an ill-tempered dog that needs training ASAP. That's it.

That's a silly answer.

Streets named Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard are named with a clear intent to invoke the person and writings of Martin Luther King Jr.

Naming your dog "Fluffy" or "Rush Limbaugh" clearly doesn't have anything resembling the same intent.


A.) You skipped the part about Washington Blvd. I'll let it go, though.

B.) If I name my dog Rush Limbaugh, I have "a clear intent to invoke the person and writings of" Rush Limbaugh. That's obvious.

You're being silly.

And thus the point remains. What happens on any given Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard has nothing to do with the man himself. Nothing more than the dog, Rush Limbaugh, and the man himself.


Wonder Boy said:
I notice you've also not included my response to this post, where I answered the points you raised.

Yours is clearly a one-sided response, that ignores the counter-response to the issues raised, that I've already given.

And I responded to that response. Remember this?

But I'm not going to quibble over who responded to what. As I've said, I stopped responding because you cherry picked. However, if you want a response to the statistics you last gave I'll give it to you in one shot.

In 2000, after the surge in black population in the 90's and long after the numbers you gave in your response were taken, 211 million people reported themselves as "White alone" which accounted for 75% of the U.S. population. Up to 35 million people--12% of the population-reported themselves as "Black only." That's roughly 6:1.

And again, that means that the numbers you gave were all less than they would have been by blind chance were race not involved at all.


Wonder Boy said:
My repeated responses above make clear that I unquestionably don't mean "all blacks" are indoctrinated in this hostile victim/justified-retribution mindset. But that the prevalent message is put out there to all blacks in the U.S., that a large percentage reject that hostile/victim ideology, a large percentage buy into that hostile/victim ideology, and a smaller percentage not only buy into it but are moved to violence by that hostile ideology.

It's annoying that I've repeatedly said this, and that you've ignored my clarity on this point.

It's annoying that you've repeatedly ignored requests from myself and others to clarify when you mean some, most, or all. You feel it's okay to make grand sweeping statements, because we should simply know what you mean.

Sorry, I'm not a mind reader. Feel free to get angry because I'm asking you to be clear. Then go ahead and do whatever you feel delivers the right message.


Wonder Boy said:
I think the comments by local black and liberal politicians after the innocent verdict of the 4 police officers who beat Rodney King, and the way it led directly to riots in Los Angeles, makes my point quite nicely.

And the whole "free the L.A. Four" for the 4 black thugs who almost murdered white truck driver Reginald Denny, whose only crime was driving down the wrong street.

TIME magazine in this period had a cover-story on the nationwide reluctance of blacks on juries to convict a black suspect and put him in jail, no matter what the evidence.

There are similar political statements by leaders of other major cities nationwide, pandering to liberal black voters, surrounding similar incidents of suspects beaten or killed by police that erupted in riots.

Show me.


Wonder Boy said:
The very calls from the black community for "compensation" for past racism, sheds light on the unrelenting anger and keeping alive spectres of past racism that have been gone since at least 1965.

As I said, such clinging to the past makes it impossible for healing between whites and blacks to occur.

Again, show me. Show me where "the black community" is asking for compensation. I would LOVE to see this. Or do you mean "some blacks" want reparations? And by "some blacks" I mean an extreme minority. I'm really not sure, and as I've said I'm not a mind reader.


Wonder Boy said:

You've said that more directly in previous topics, but your talk about crime and education statistics being misrepresented (which you just quoted at length from the previous topic, while conveniently omitting my previous response) clearly manifests that here.



Wonder Boy said:

I can show tell you many tales of white-on-black racism, from my personal life, from news stories, and I can even link to a few forums where white people are saying things about blacks that would make your hair stand on end. But I wouldn't, because it wouldn't prove anything more than that there are a few people who feel a certain way. It sure wouldn't say anything about an entire community.

So why mention it at all?

Ummm...that's my point. Why mention that there are incidents that have happened near your home? There's no reason.


Wonder Boy said:
I can also discuss personal incidents, where I was bullied on a daily basis by a black guy twice my size, where a group of blacks tricked me into a blind corner, and would have beat the shit out of me if I hadn't given up my tickets at a football game, where I had a potential black manager grill me in a way that he never would have a black applicant, black managers who were discriminatory on the job toward white employees, black co-workers who excluded myself and other white employees, despite our best efforts to include them; and on and on.

I have first hand seen many incidents of the expectation of racist treatment, where blacks have made a huge issue out of nothing, because that carry that hostile/victim ideology inside them, and wait for the opportunity to lash out at the slightest perceived racism.

So that's why you assume that blacks are a certain way in general. This makes so much more sense.


Wonder Boy said:
I don't deny that true racism toward blacks occurs, but I think it is far more often a false spectre.

Based on?


Wonder Boy said:
Have I ignored it? Or have I acknowledged that it does exist, but that the divisive attitude and ideology that is indoctrinated into a large percentage of the American black community, is as big a problem as incidents of true racism against blacks?

You continue to allude to the idea that blacks should get over it, stop feeling like victims, and move on so that America can move forward and we can stop being alienated. However, nowhere in any of these posts have you said that whites have to do anything. If you have, correct me with a link.


Wonder Boy said:
I think that's clear enough. The indoctrinated victim mentality and hysterical cries of racism at every turn, are the cause of black alienation. And open-minded whites who are sympathetic to true racism, get tired of dealing with the hostility, to the point that we at times would rather avoid interacting with blacks, when we pick up the vibe of what their attitude toward whites is.

The open-minded whites?

Is that...supposed to include you?

You just said cops are right to look at black suspects more closely. You refute information that opposes your view as "liberal spin". But you're one of the open-minded white people who we should cater our mentalities and actions to?

To you?



Wonder Boy said:
I say this from articles I've read, as well as my own experience working with black co-workers.

Some jobs I work with blacks, and we get along and socialize, both at work and outside the office.
Others, where I get the clear signals of hostility, I remain friendly, but avoid interaction.

My experience with blacks on this issue is more 50/50 ratio of hostile mindset toward whites. Sometimes more hostile, sometimes less. Usually the more educated the environment (such as working for a healthcare company, with black nurses), the more friendly and less race-separated. The less educated (such as an insurance company mailroom, or an auto rental company) the more divided black and white are.

White. Hot. Fear.

I pity you. You're a victim of your own self-perpetuating paranoia.