You know, I've thought about this (to the point where I can no longer enjoy the Bowl) and I think I finally understand.

I really do pity you, Wonder Boy, and I finally think I might understand you--at least in part. You've been victimized in the past and that's sad, but what's even sadder is that it's forced you to take on ideals that defy logic or understanding. It's a convenient fear. This mindset you have means that maybe for you those things happened not because of something you did or plain misfortune, but because of something you couldn't control: other people's feelings concerning their race and yours. And who knows? Maybe in at least one time it was.

I'm sorry, Wonder Boy. Not because I'm black and I feel that I'm responsible for the things every other black person do, but because the things that happened to you shouldn't happen to anyone, no matter what the reason.

And I hope that one day you'll be able to see beyond race and not think that 50% of all black people have something against you because you're white. I hope that for you and everyone, white, black, and everything else. THEN we can move forward.