
Beardguy57 said:
People do not always have to agree to be friends. If we all went around smiling 24/7, and not saying what's really on our minds, we wouldn't be humans - we'd be game show hosts.

Don't worry about it, beardsy ;P It's over.

My girlfriend recently got into a car accident, as you know. She was t-boned on her side of the car by a green Ford Mustang. She's gotten back on the road and drives by herself now, but whenever she sees a Ford Mustang she gets a sudden feeling of fear. Nothing arresting but enough that she notices the car and avoids it. Don't know that she'll ever get over that.

Humans tend to do this all the time. The tendency to categorize + the need to protect self. It's how we learn to keep our hands off every stove. It's so important that it works beyond the top part of our brain that rationalizes and actually looks at the numbers.

There's nothing you could say or do that would challenge that fear itself. Just let it go. If I can do it, so can you. You're better at that sorta thing.

And don't mind Parys ;P He's not even supposed to be able to read your posts.