Happy BHM, everybody.

After reading thru this entire thread, I felt the need to weigh in...something I rarely do in this forum.

My first experiences on the internet, like many of us here at Gob's, were at the old DCMBs back in 2000. I got into a discussion much like this one on the Authority Boards. One of the dedicated participants of that 200 or more page discussion was Dave the Wonder Boy. He and I became fast friends though we didn't exactly see eye to eye on the issue of race in America. While we often disagreed, we were always cordial with one another and really listened to each other's opinions.

Dave, it seems to me that your opinions haven't changed much over the years but, it seems that you are much angrier in expressing them these days. Now, I don't know for sure why this is but, the tone of your posts now is very different from how I remember it back in the day. Perhaps that's due to the overly contentious and partisan nature of this forum. Perhaps you feel victimized for having an unpopular opinion...at least in this particualr thread.

Whatever the case, It seems to me that you are fed up with what you perceive as preferential teatment given to blacks. You seem to feel that most black folks have an unreasonable and unwarranted anger towards whites that manifests itself in violence, a sense of entitlement and a hair-trigger "radar" for peceived racial slights. You've made broad statements and claims backed by spurious "proof" and unsubstantiated anecdotal "evidence" to support your position. Wednesday has refuted much of your statistical evidence and invited you to provide other, less impeachable data and sources.

You haven't.

Instead, you've steadfastly stuck to your old arguements as if you think that by continuing to type them, somehow they'll magically get better and more relevant.

Now, I'm not going back thru this entire thread and quote you post by post. Mr. Perkins has done that more eloquently, efficiently and intelligently than I ever could. It seems to me that he's won the debate and perhaps you should offer your own personal experiences and opinions without trying to back certain biases you may have with facts.

For what it's worth, I don't think that you are racist. Nor do I think you "hate" black people as a group. I do think that you allow your general outlook on blacks as a whole be colored by certain negative life experiences you've had as well as your general conservative point of view.

Again, while I don't agree with much of what you say, I think your opinions are valid and you are entitled to think and believe the way you choose. I know quite a few white people of many different backgrounds that see things the way you do. And, I must admit, I know more than a few black people that would seem to prove much of what you say.

But, I have to say, the vast majority of the black people I know are more like me: educated, hard working and not looking for a handout.

Where you see black rage, I see the willingness to speak out against that which is unacceptable. Generations past kept quiet and "knew their place". My generation and the ones that have come after are not willing to accept the status quo of institutionalized racism that even you have admitted is prevelant in this country. I believe that white people are generally afraid of black folks that won't back down and that fear leads you (as a group) to see us as "angry". 50 years ago the word angry could have been replaced by "uppity". Do you get my point?

Where you see a sense of entitlement, I see a demand for a leveling of the playing field that, for decades, has been tipped against us. The reparation debate aside, most black people I know don't want to be given anything other than the chance to excel, the chance to advance, the chance to better ourselves and society at large. Now, to you, this may mean quotas and unfair consideration. To you, this may mean reverse discrimination. The reality is without laws and practices that force consideration and acceptance of black candidates, most places would simply choose to exclude even the most qualified simply on basis of skin color.

AS far as playing the race card goes...admittedly more of that happens than I would like. Especially by our so-called "leaders"; many of whom are nothing more than demagogues and race-baiters themselves. However, I must say, as just a regular old black guy that has been the victim of many incidents of intentional as well as casual racism and bigotry, it can be difficult on occasion to distinguish actual racial animosity from the unintentional slight. I always try to give the benefit of the doubt until a person's true...forgive the pun...colors are revealed.

And that's where I am with you, Dave. You have the benefit of my faith in your character. You and I have been cool over the years. We fall on opposite sides of most social and political debates but, I think you are a genuinely nice guy who is passionate about your beliefs. I have always liked and respected you and found you reasonable to chat with. I don't really recognize this angry, bitter guy that has psoted on this thread under your ID.

The Wonder Boy I knew was better than that.

Oderint, dum metuant.

You are a god damned idiot, you know that? You ought to be smacked upside your dumb-fuck head, even after all these years. Shame on you!
-USCHI showin' some love