I greatly appreciate that, T B.

I think that the difference in my tone (if there is) stems from no one calling me demented or pitiable, or whatever, back then, for my views.
We rebutted on the issue, instead of me having to dig myself out of a muddy slime-pit of personal assumptions about my character.

There was some anger in those early discussions, but there were a lot less personal insults, a lot more mutual respect, and a lot more discussion of the actual issue back in those days on the DC boards.

I greatly enjoyed those discussions with you, and regard you as one of the first friends I made online.

It might surprise you to know I wrote down a list of the books you recommended in that first topic, on understanding the black american perspective. At some point, life intervened, and I didn't purchase the books, but I still have the list and intend to. I'm sure they're easier to find now, with Amazon and e-bay.

It's late and I'm tired, I'll respond to your points at more length tomorrow night.