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Pig Iran said:
Well, Snarf??? Have you called yet-has she called? Are you playing hard to get?

Considering the gushing we got when some chick licked his ear....I'm guessing this is dead in the water.

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If you must know, I'm actually im'ing with her right now.

Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!

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Tell her to send you some nudie pics, then post them here.

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Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!

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King Snarf said:
If you must know, I'm actually im'ing with her right now.

That's like third base by Snarf's rules!


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sniff...they grow up so fast...

big_pimp_tim-made it cool to roll in the first damn place!
Mon Jun 11 2007 09:27 PM-harley finally rolled with me
"I'm working with him...he's young but, there is much potential. He can apprentice with me and then he's yours for final training. He will remember the face of his father...

Some day, Knutreturns just may be the greatest of us all...."-THE bastard
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King Snarf said:
If you must know, I'm actually im'ing with her right now.

You're posting here right now too, but Gob knows that we're not your dates.

Sometimes I wish I didn't know now the things I didn't know then.
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PrincessElisa said:

Well, I've been talking to her for the past couple weeks, via IMs, text messages, and phone calls; I'm feeling lucky.

I am in a very happy relationship with some fake internet boyfriend, also I get lots of sex from my students. I hope you can find the same happiness I have.

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So how was your date on Jason E. Perkins?

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It went well. We hung out again on Sunday.

Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!

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Does Jason feel the same way about you?

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King Snarf said:
It went well. We hung out again on Sunday.

Is that what they're calling it these days?

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King Snarf said:
It went well. We hung out again on Sunday.

what times her curfew

And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack.
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PJP said:
Does Jason feel the same way about you?

I don'y know about Jason, but I have no feelings about him one way or the other.

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MisterJLA said:

Jeremy said:

MisterJLA said:
Time for Plan B, then...Promys style:

Well, I'm not a girl. But, I'll throw my ten cents in the mix.

I think the search shouldn't be what a woman wants. That changes from woman to woman, and from trend to trend. It's a pointless question.

I think the question, to the men, should be...who are you?

Listen, I'm 6'1, and fluctuate around the 160-170lbs. mark, keeping a tight, but not sculpted, stomach. I alternate from super-short blonde hair, to, shaved completely bald (more to accommodate my natural, nearly extinct hairline). My strongest physical features, as I have been told, is that I have piercing, highly expressive eyes (thus my Rob's Board avatar), and an infectious smile that crawls across my entire face.

And all that means absolutely NOTHING.

It's not about appearances. It's not about your weight, or your height, or the size of your penis.

It's about you.

It's about your confidence. It's about the aroma of self that you put out there.

Self-depreciating humor is one thing. The key to keeping it from becoming a personal put-down in the eyes of others much is truly a joke?

I can make quips about my hairline all day long. It's great. It's honest. And, it makes women laugh.

But, in my mind, I know....I know....the moment I walk into the room.....I own it.

Arrogance? Conceit?


It's all about finding the line, Chewster. It's all about finding that line between arrogance and confidence. Between a positive self image, and conceit.

I may not, in all actuality, BE the best looking guy in the room at that moment. Others may hold a better Hollywood/cultural status with their looks. But, that doesn't matter.

As long as you believe that you are worthy...that you are equal....that you have just as much to offer as anyone else, the looks will fall in line.

Now, the danger in this is not allowing yourself to cross that line. Don't buy into your own myth. That's arrogance. Don't allow the fictional pomposity to come across to others as vanity. Just believe it.

Believe that you are The Man. Believe that your wit is stunning. Believe that your humor is legendary. Own yourself. Own the room. Never, ever allow any insecurity to take root in your system. Why? Because you will never be Brad Pitt. You will never be Tom Cruise. These fictional physical standards that culture presents us are just that....fictional.

You want to look like a supermodel? Then work your ass off, and sculpt your body to fit. And, in the end, you will attract vapid women that want you only for your looks. Why? Because you will only have changed the cover of the book, not the content.

It's about confidence. In my experience (I'm 31, and have been with/dated/one-night-stands/relationship with around forty-eight women in my lifetime) THAT'S what women are after. Confidence. They want a man who is secure in himself. Not arrogant. Not conceited. Not vain. Confident.

Confidence is not feeling the need to defend your looks to others. Confidence is knowing that absolutely no woman is out of your league. Confidence is understanding and acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses equally. Confidence is knowing that you are not perfect, that there is no such thing, but, that you are just as valid, worthy, and personally successful as any other man alive.

It's not about what women want. It's about who you are. It's about what makes you, you.

Hard Love Time

Sensitivity is a valid, exceptional quality in a male. We all have it. It's whether we choose to express it or not that makes the difference.

But, too much sensitivity can be a turn off for a woman. Why? Because women are sensitive creatures. And, if they wanted someone as sensitive as they are, then they would be after another woman.

It's the nature of the beast, my friend. It's the human condition. Don't buy into the exaggeration of Hollywood. Only the wounded animals go for someone that can't emotionally fend for himself.

There is nothing wrong with a man that can cry. At all. But, no matter how matter how strong a woman the end of the those times when they really, really need it....women want a shoulder that's strong enough to support their emotions. Their feelings. They want a man.

I hope this doesn't come off sounding sexist in the least. It's not. Women need the equality. They need the man that doesn't mind opening a door for them, but, will allow them the opportunity to open the doors themselves.

It's a bizarre science, I know.

It's about balance. Understanding that women need an equal partner, one that sees them as such, but also allows them to be female.

And, of course, this varies from woman to woman.

The Friend Zone: If you are interested in a woman, the first thing you have to do.....the FIRST let them know. You don't have to be overt about it. But, you can't be so subtle as to allow them to pigeon-hole you in that "friend" slot.

If they are not interested in you, then, that's the breaks. Move on. You can still be their friend if you want. But, the moment that you make them think that you have no other options but them, is the moment they have the power to keep you at bay as a friend, and nothing more. They know, whether subconciously or not, that you will "be there" when they need you. Why? Because you have already given them the idea that you have no other options.

This is why, for certain women, the moment someone that they "weren't interested in" becomes attracted/seeks someone else, they suddenly become interested. You've all of a sudden become a valuable commodity in the eyes of a new female. Thus, by their reason, you must have some quality that they missed out on, and must now claim. [NOTE: Beware this type of woman. They are fickle, and are only competing with other women in an internal insecurity powerplay, and have no real interest in you as a person. You don't need this type of woman. They will NEVER be worth your time.]

In the end, Chewy, the best thing I can say to you is this:

--Believe in yourself. Have confidence in who you are, in your weaknesses and your strengths. You must own yourself first.

--Find the joy in being alone. Once you are comfortable in your solitary universe, then, and only then, will you find that taking risks aren't so bad. Desperation is never attractive.

--Set your standards. Know that you don't need anyone to be a complete person. Realize that the truth of love, commitment, and togetherness is that you allow others to know you. You have the power, my friend. You are in control. Never be afraid to walk away. You'll live. Trust me.

--If a woman does not like you for exactly who you are, period, then, she is NOT worth it. There are ALWAYS better women out there. Always. Sounds like fiction, I know. But, I'm serious. You will only ever find true happiness in a woman that finds true happiness in you first.

Through every single fling, flirt, f**k, and fondle...throughout my entire life.....I have absolutely no regrets.

You have one life. Do not be afraid to live it. The worse that can happen is that you get your heart broken at some point.

Big f**king deal. It happens to every single person on the planet. You'll live. Get up, dust yourself off, and move on.

In the end, there is someone for everyone.

Much love, brother.

Someone wanna sum that up for me?

Don't be a pussy, if you want to get the pussy...

Basically, yeah...

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Chewy Walrus said:
Wow... that seems like so long ago...

Yeah...I'd forgotten about this pep-talk...

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So, Snarf...what's the status on this thing? Yay? Nay? Lay?

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Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!

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King Snarf said:

Story of your life!

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King Snarf said:


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Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!

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 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
With a girl. Yeah, I'm having trouble believing it myself.

How did it work out?

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
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He cried uncontrollably for 15 minutes after she told him to piss off.

So really by Snarf's standards, nothing too out of the ordinary...

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She never showed so he did his old karaoke standby: "All By Myself."

Uschi said:
I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.

MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!

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 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
I was out tonight, and for whatever reason, I strike up some small talk with a random woman (pigs must have been flying). While it didn't go absolutely badly (she smiled when she talked to me), I couldn't even get her name, much less anything else. Which leads me to ask "What the fuck is wrong with me?" My friend Nicole tried to cheer me up with "Maybe there's something wrong with her", which I suppose would make sense, except for the fact that EVERY woman that I've ever been interested in romantically/ sexually has rejected me in some form or another, leading me to believe that it's me there's something wrong with and not the entire female gender. For the past 15 minutes I've been trying to stop crying, and I haven't been entirely successful.

All I've ever wanted was someone to be in love with, and have that same person be in love with me, and I'm starting to realize that that is never going to happen.

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 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
He cried uncontrollably for 15 minutes after she told him to piss off.

So really by Snarf's standards, nothing too out of the ordinary...

Actually it was his best one yet........usually the girl doesn't even say anything before leaving,Baby steps steps.

It's a dog eat dog world & I'm wearing milkbone underwear.

I can get you a toe.

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Damn you and your lemonade!!

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Replace the name "Chewy" with "Snarf"...

 Originally Posted By: Lucius Prometheus Vorenus
Well, I'm not a girl. But, I'll throw my ten cents in the mix.

I think the search shouldn't be what a woman wants. That changes from woman to woman, and from trend to trend. It's a pointless question.

I think the question, to the men, should be...who are you?

Listen, I'm 6'1, and fluctuate around the 160-170lbs. mark, keeping a tight, but not sculpted, stomach. I alternate from super-short blonde hair, to, shaved completely bald (more to accommodate my natural, nearly extinct hairline). My strongest physical features, as I have been told, is that I have piercing, highly expressive eyes (thus my Rob's Board avatar), and an infectious smile that crawls across my entire face.

And all that means absolutely NOTHING.

It's not about appearances. It's not about your weight, or your height, or the size of your penis.

It's about you.

It's about your confidence. It's about the aroma of self that you put out there.

Self-depreciating humor is one thing. The key to keeping it from becoming a personal put-down in the eyes of others much is truly a joke?

I can make quips about my hairline all day long. It's great. It's honest. And, it makes women laugh.

But, in my mind, I know....I know....the moment I walk into the room.....I own it.

Arrogance? Conceit?


It's all about finding the line, Chewster. It's all about finding that line between arrogance and confidence. Between a positive self image, and conceit.

I may not, in all actuality, BE the best looking guy in the room at that moment. Others may hold a better Hollywood/cultural status with their looks. But, that doesn't matter.

As long as you believe that you are worthy...that you are equal....that you have just as much to offer as anyone else, the looks will fall in line.

Now, the danger in this is not allowing yourself to cross that line. Don't buy into your own myth. That's arrogance. Don't allow the fictional pomposity to come across to others as vanity. Just believe it.

Believe that you are The Man. Believe that your wit is stunning. Believe that your humor is legendary. Own yourself. Own the room. Never, ever allow any insecurity to take root in your system. Why? Because you will never be Brad Pitt. You will never be Tom Cruise. These fictional physical standards that culture presents us are just that....fictional.

You want to look like a supermodel? Then work your ass off, and sculpt your body to fit. And, in the end, you will attract vapid women that want you only for your looks. Why? Because you will only have changed the cover of the book, not the content.

It's about confidence. In my experience (I'm 31, and have been with/dated/one-night-stands/relationship with around forty-eight women in my lifetime) THAT'S what women are after. Confidence. They want a man who is secure in himself. Not arrogant. Not conceited. Not vain. Confident.

Confidence is not feeling the need to defend your looks to others. Confidence is knowing that absolutely no woman is out of your league. Confidence is understanding and acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses equally. Confidence is knowing that you are not perfect, that there is no such thing, but, that you are just as valid, worthy, and personally successful as any other man alive.

It's not about what women want. It's about who you are. It's about what makes you, you.

Hard Love Time

Sensitivity is a valid, exceptional quality in a male. We all have it. It's whether we choose to express it or not that makes the difference.

But, too much sensitivity can be a turn off for a woman. Why? Because women are sensitive creatures. And, if they wanted someone as sensitive as they are, then they would be after another woman.

It's the nature of the beast, my friend. It's the human condition. Don't buy into the exaggeration of Hollywood. Only the wounded animals go for someone that can't emotionally fend for himself.

There is nothing wrong with a man that can cry. At all. But, no matter how matter how strong a woman the end of the those times when they really, really need it....women want a shoulder that's strong enough to support their emotions. Their feelings. They want a man.

I hope this doesn't come off sounding sexist in the least. It's not. Women need the equality. They need the man that doesn't mind opening a door for them, but, will allow them the opportunity to open the doors themselves.

It's a bizarre science, I know.

It's about balance. Understanding that women need an equal partner, one that sees them as such, but also allows them to be female.

And, of course, this varies from woman to woman.

The Friend Zone: If you are interested in a woman, the first thing you have to do.....the FIRST let them know. You don't have to be overt about it. But, you can't be so subtle as to allow them to pigeon-hole you in that "friend" slot.

If they are not interested in you, then, that's the breaks. Move on. You can still be their friend if you want. But, the moment that you make them think that you have no other options but them, is the moment they have the power to keep you at bay as a friend, and nothing more. They know, whether subconciously or not, that you will "be there" when they need you. Why? Because you have already given them the idea that you have no other options.

This is why, for certain women, the moment someone that they "weren't interested in" becomes attracted/seeks someone else, they suddenly become interested. You've all of a sudden become a valuable commodity in the eyes of a new female. Thus, by their reason, you must have some quality that they missed out on, and must now claim. [NOTE: Beware this type of woman. They are fickle, and are only competing with other women in an internal insecurity powerplay, and have no real interest in you as a person. You don't need this type of woman. They will NEVER be worth your time.]

In the end, Chewy, the best thing I can say to you is this:

--Believe in yourself. Have confidence in who you are, in your weaknesses and your strengths. You must own yourself first.

--Find the joy in being alone. Once you are comfortable in your solitary universe, then, and only then, will you find that taking risks aren't so bad. Desperation is never attractive.

--Set your standards. Know that you don't need anyone to be a complete person. Realize that the truth of love, commitment, and togetherness is that you allow others to know you. You have the power, my friend. You are in control. Never be afraid to walk away. You'll live. Trust me.

--If a woman does not like you for exactly who you are, period, then, she is NOT worth it. There are ALWAYS better women out there. Always. Sounds like fiction, I know. But, I'm serious. You will only ever find true happiness in a woman that finds true happiness in you first.

Through every single fling, flirt, f**k, and fondle...throughout my entire life.....I have absolutely no regrets.

You have one life. Do not be afraid to live it. The worse that can happen is that you get your heart broken at some point.

Big f**king deal. It happens to every single person on the planet. You'll live. Get up, dust yourself off, and move on.

In the end, there is someone for everyone.

 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Don't be a pussy if you want to get the pussy

 Originally Posted By: The World

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LOL! I love how I physically describe myself in there.\:lol\: Damn, how many years ago did I actually write that? Had to have been before 2003, at least. Fuck, I could keep my stomach "tight" these days. I've got the mid-thirties pouch. Fuck you marriage!! \:lol\:

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I haven't checked out the rates but maybe we can use the earnings from adsense during the insurgency raid.

The site is really ideal for Snarf because they also offer mail order grooms.

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Snarf would order one of each to be on the safe side, then when they both arrived, they'd tell him to piss off and marry eachother!

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 Originally Posted By: Lucius Prometheus Vorenus
Replace the name "Chewy" with "Snarf"...

and woman with Wonder Boy

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snarf is a gay bald homosexual
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snarf is a gay bald homosexual
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Fuck off!

Snarf licks the balls of his own mother.
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"Hey this is PCG342's bro..."
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darkknight25 User 25+ posts 05/28/09 10:04 PM Reading a post
Forum: Women
Thread: So, I have a date on Wednesday....

"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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