The Monkey World Order

Whilst the m.W.o are theoretically heels, they're hugely over with the crowd. An homage (weel that's my story and I'm sticking to it) to a classic parody of a classic stable, neither of which shall be named for copyright reasons, they would probably be a highly effective stable if it wasn't for the fact that three of them are basically insane

Spandex Monkey Man aka 'Da Monkey Guy'
Chevrolet Nova
ZOD aka 'The General'
Scott Notone and Ruff Ragbadly, aka Wimpy and Digusting

Entrance Music: 'Tonight I'm Gonna rock You Tonight' by Spinal Tap

"WE'RE TAKING O-VER!" (Spandex Monkey Man)
"Come, son of Rob-El, KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!" (ZOD)
"When you're mWo, you're mWo 4 the money!" (all of them)

Signature and finishing moves:

The Bananarana SPAMM's finisher move, this is a Diving Huracarrana, without a pin.

The Atomic Leg Drop: Chevy Nova's finisher, this is a parody of Hogan's running leg drop that sees him bounce off the ropes as many times he can get away with before dropping the leg. Nobody has ever been pinned followign this move, as it's truly terrible.

Kneel before ZOD!: ZOD's finisher move (obviously), it's a Superkick to the opponent's shins, dropping them onto their knees, followed by a running knee to the back of the head.

The Sexx factor: Syxxty-Nine's finisher, this is a bog standard bronco buster.

Last edited by SpandexMonkeyMan; 2007-04-25 6:12 AM.