Chewy Walrus

  • Persona: A face by association and a mischief-making 'big man' in the mold of Rikishi and The Big Show. Very entertaining to the fans... and very intimidating to opponents. Chewy isn't afraid to fight dirty, and will throw his weight around no matter who he's up against.

  • Clothing and Equipment: Worn carpenter jeans that have obviously seen better days, brown steel-toed work boots, a white oxford dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up and the collar flipped, and Chewy's ever-impressive hat:

    For hardcore matches (and whenever else he thinks he can get away with it), Chewy wields a flail made from a foot-long wooden handle with three bike chains nailed to it.

  • Entrance Music: TNT by AC/DC

  • Wrestling Style: Again, a combination of Rikishi and The Big Show - sheer power and momentum, taking advantage of his size and muscle to shove opponents around. Basic moveset that emphasizes keeping an opponent off-balance and maximizes raw damage.

  • Signature Moves: The Walrus Wallop (hard clothesline), the Wrecking Ball (Samoan leg drop), the Big Let-down (Russian back drop), and Random Acts of Violence (chokeslam finisher). Chewy's other finishing move is a spear called the Walrus Tusk.

  • Affiliation: The faction formerly known as the Sudden Death Connection has lost several of its members, but the core of Captain Sammitch, Chewy Walrus, and Killconey is still intact and promises to remain one of the most powerful factions in the RDCW even as they continue to search for a new collective identity. Chewy Walrus functions as the team's enforcer, a big, strong wrestler capable of dealing a lot of damage at a time and taking control of the tempo of the match. He is an excellent tag partner and has won the RDCW tag title both with Captain Sammitch and with Killconey.