The Fantastic Brothers (James and Ryan Fantastic)

Entrance Music: Elton John's 'Saturday Night's Alright (for Fighting)'

Attire: Outside of the ring, James favours a long leather dustercoat and stetson with shades and jeans, whilst Ryan wears jeans and a black wifebeater. In the ring, James wears his shades, white boots and gold trunks with silver stars, whilst Ryan has silver trunks with gold stars.

Personalities: A former RDCW tag champion, James Fantastic has returned with his younger brother Ryan in tow. Although still basically a fan favourite, Fantastic is a lot tougher than he used to be, and definitely not above dirty tactics if the situation calls for it (and even when it doesn't, if he's bored).

Ryan, on the other hand, is totally crazy. A loose cannon, he's prone to pissing off anyone and everyone, and frequently needs his brother's help to dig him out of trouble. Nevertheless, he's incredibly popular wit the fans, mainly because he has no regard for personal safety.

In other words, it's that team of Eddie Guerrero and Brian Pillman I always wanted to see.

Wrestling Style: Both Fantastics combine Mexican style Lucha Libre with US style wrestling, relying on high-flying moves to stay ahead of the game. However, James also throws in a healthy amount of brawling, whilst Ryan is rather limited due to his inexperience. In tag matches the pair use a fairly high proportion of double teams, frequently at high speed.

Signature Moves:

El Kabong!: A Jarrett-style guitar shot to the head, this is James's most usual signature move.

Special School: Ryan set the opponent for Old School (that rope walk thing Undertaker does) before flipping over the opponent and flipping them into an arm drag.

Double Running DDT

Rock n' Roll Special: Double Dropkick

Finisher Move:

Fantastic Cutter: Shiranui, James' finisher.

El Fantastico: Ryan's finisher, a 630 splash

That's Fantastic: James performs a moonsault off one turnbuckle onto a foe, as Ryan hits a shooting star leg drop off the opposite turnbuckle onto the same foe.

Last edited by James_Fantastic; 2007-06-07 10:39 AM.