The largest number of sticks (or other cylindrical objects) that can be tied into a bundle

such that the shape of the bundle remains fixed.

The number of openings into the human head (mouth, two eyes, two ears, two nostrils).

The number of spheres in the Ptolemaic system

The traditional number of Wonders of the Ancient World. There were seven, though only the
Great Pyramid of Egypt still stands today.

Viewed as a lucky number in Japanese Culture as well as many Western cultures.
The number of days in a week.

The number of the ages of man into which William Shakespeare divided a lifetime.
The figurative number of seas.

The number of colors of the rainbow (the asteroid 7 Iris is named after the rainbow
goddess Iris).

The number of chakras.

The number of basic principles of the bushido.

The number of points on a sheriff's star.

When rolling two standard six-sided dice, seven is the number most likely to occur. It
s the sum of any two opposite sides on a standard six-sided die

The number of dwarfs in the movie Snow White.

The number of rings given to the Dwarf Lords in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings.

The Heptarchy, from the (Greek for seven realm, is the name applied by historians to the
period (500-850 CE) in English history after the Anglo-Saxon conquest of England, derived from the seven kingdoms of Northumbria, Mercia, East Anglia, Essex, Kent, Sussex, and Wessex, which eventually merged to become the Kingdom of England during the early 10th century.
September was the seventh month in the ancient Roman calendar, as its name indicates.
After the reform that led to the current order, the seventh month is July.

Septidi was the seventh day of the decade in the French Revolutionary Calendar.

The traditional count of Basque provinces as expressed in the slogan Zazpiak Bat.

The Seven Sages of Greece: Solon, Chilon, Thales, Bias, Cleobulus, Pittacus, and

Cibola was one of the legendary Seven Cities of Gold the Spanish thought existed.
In casinos, the line 7-7-7 (triple seven, not seven hundred seventy-seven) is a common
winning line on slot machines.

In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, seven is referred to as "the most magical

Bungie Studios' favorite number is "seven." The number is referenced in several of their
games, namely the Marathon Series and Halo Series.

There were seven astronauts in NASA's first manned space program, Project Mercury: Alan
Shepard, Virgil "Gus" Grissom, John Glenn, Scott Carpenter, Donald "Deke" Slayton,
Wallace Schirra, Gordon Cooper.

In the video game Donkey Kong, the "mudpie" board (showing the flaming oil drum in
the middle) is the seventh board that appears in the sequence.
