
rex said:
A vote for jeremy is a vote for mediocrity". All you tards voted him in, this is what you get.

You fat, stupid, loser, do you really think that your bitching about Jeremy somehow makes you look good?

Every one here remembers what kind of job you did as a mod in the media forum...the way that you'd do nothing but log in once a week to cut and paste the "Best Buy" list of DVD releases. And you have the gall to complain about the job Jeremy's doing?

Why don't you just stop wasting your time, and our time, and just give in to the self loathing and jealously that consumes you? Just go to dad's closet, find his army issue service revolver, put it to your right temple and do your family a favor.

Seriously. Just kill yourself. Better to be a dead object of sympathy than a constant source of shame for your aging your parents.

Fucking jealous little sock fucking cry baby.