
Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said:

Wonder Boy said:

Matter-eater Man said:
I think even you have to admit G-man that Reagan's name is being used alot though.

Why shouldn't Reagan's name be invoked, as a standard and role-model of effective Republican leadership for other current Republican candidates to follow the conservative principles of?

  • low taxes

  • strong defense, re-building our military

  • avoiding unneccesary foreign military entanglements (as opposed to both Clinton and Bush)

  • fiscal responsiblility, cutting federal spending

  • bipartisanship that coined the term "Reagan Democrats"

  • defending our borders from illegal immigration

  • Iran/Contra.
    Slow reaction to AIDs.
    His government was allied with Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden.
    that movie with the chimp.

    I could list at length (and have in past topics) the scandals and huge mistakes of the Carter and Clinton presidencies.

    That doesn't diminish the tremendous accomplishments of the Reagan administration, and that Reagan, possibly more than any other Republican president, stood for conservative ideals and brought this country back from the abyss it was on the edge of when he became president.
    It is that optimism, of making the nation strong again and moving it in the right direction, that conservatives are invoking in raising the name and ideology of Reagan.