Democratic Candidates Debate Terror, Iraq

    Democratic frontrunners John Edwards, Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama sparred Sunday night over support for the war in Iraq and the war on terror with Clinton telling Edwards that he was wrong to characterize the latter as a "bumper sticker slogan."

    The former North Carolina senator, trailing both Clinton and Obama in national polls, criticized their cautious approach in forcing President Bush to withdraw troops from Iraq.

    While some members of Congress spoke out "loudly and clearly" last month against legislation to pay for the war through September but without a withdrawal timetable, "others did not," Edwards said.

    "Others were quiet. They went quietly to the floor of the Senate, cast the right vote. But there is a difference between leadership and legislating," Edwards told his rivals during a Democratic debate.

    Both Clinton and Obama voted against the bill — which passed — but without making a strong case against the legislation.

    "I think it's obvious who I'm talking about," Edwards said.