
When Tuvok crashes on a moon, he discovers three small children who believe they are about to die.

The kids actually are quite old, as people age backwards on their homeworld.

Tuvok takes the last child, a little girl, into the cave at episodes' end, so that she may go into the afterlife, once he learns that this is why the kids were taken to the planet in the first place.

I like this episode a lot.

The Thaw

The crew of Voyager encounters a planet that has recently entered an ice age. They discover a series of stasis chambers where a small group of people are mentally connected to an artificial environment that turned horribly wrong.

Michael McKean guest stars as Fear in this one, and he does a fine job.
Janeway is able to free the hostages and beat Fear.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.