
As a gift for negotiating with the Orion Syndicate, Captain Archer receives three Orion Slave Girls. Soon, their seductive powers begin to affect everyone on board except for Trip and T'Pol.

So we see more of the Orion slave girls, who debutted in TOS.

This episode wasn't exciting but it was pretty good.

In a Mirror, Darkly (1) & (2)

In the mirror universe, Commander Archer mutinies against Captain Forrest in order to capture a future Earth ship found in Tholian space.

In the mirror universe, Archer commandeers the 23rd-century Defiant from the Tholians and uses it in a nefarious power grab.

This is a remarkable episode!!!

It expounds upon the TOS episode, " Mirror, Mirror."
It is best written, best directed and best acted alternate universe story that I have seen to date.

Archer is a power hungry commander who imprisons his captain to become a captain.

Lotta murder & mayhem.

We get to see a CGI Tholian, who looks as evil as Species 8472, and we see a beautifully done CGI version of a Gorn, instead of that awful " guy in the reptile suit " Gorn from TOS. It looked like a Velociraptor here, and quite deadly!

Best scene : In the beginning, when Zephram Cochrane meets the Vulcan in the final scene of First Contact... and kills him with a phase pistol.

Demons (1)

A xenophobic faction of humanity threatens to undermine talks to form a new coalition of planets.

T'Pol and Trip go to a mining colony on the moon and encounter a group of alien haters who want all aliens off of Earth!

THe two are taken to Mars, where the anti - comet array is used by the bad guy, played by Peter Weller. ( Robocop, Buckaroo Bonzai )
Now I gotta wait a week to find out how they escape!

Great episode!!

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.