The loss of the popular vote while still winning the presidency.
His many vacation days.
Pre-9/11 bungling.
Appointing cronies.
Massive and embarrassing failures in Iraq that have turned the world from supportive to practically fearing we're turning into Nazi Germany.
Plame leak coming from his White House.
Using religion as a wedge.
The controversial nature of the patriot act.
The many criminal scandals involving his people.
Appointed cronies like Michael Brown.
Changing our surplus into a record deficit.
Ignoring the will of the people on Iraq.
Many many more issues and scandals.

Do you ever think that maybe the press goes after Bush or seems tough on Bush because there is a lot of stink coming from his administration? Or that they gave him a pass after 9/11 and he used that to get us into Iraq and now the press is being tough to make up for their failures?
Where was this "liberal bias" when Clinton was in office? I remember the media milking every problem he had, every investigation that ultimately went nowhere, they still milked it. If there was such a bias, they would've twisted it instead of focusing on all the details.
Fox News is the only network that shows a true bias. They attack critics of Bush and lob softballs at his staff, they use weasel words and those cute little questions at the bottom of the screen to spread the GOP playbook, and they do it shamelessly. Fox does speculative stories about how terrorists will bomb us the second the democrats win, or how John Kerry being elected may cause the stock market to crash. That is bias at work, not the reporter who asked Bush a tough question about a war happens to vote democratic.

Bow ties are coool.