No matter what any liberal can ever say they have to at the very least acknowledge that Fox changed the way news is reported. I think it was for the better. Before Fox you would have a guest come in GOP or Dem and spin the interview any way they wanted with alot of bullshit.....Fox started having one person from each party/point of view to discuss/spin any way they wanted and let the viewers decide.....Fair and Balanced.

Since then almost every news program has adopted the same format.

The past year or so I have found myself gravitating back to CNN...not because of any bias...but they are simply reporting the news a little more fairly now and I like their anchors better. (kiran chetry switched to CNN so did I, plus Juliet Huddy left) MSNBC is more or less the same thing too now.......I'm not talking about guys like O'reilly Olberman or Blitzer or Hume.....they all have different types of shows and don't hide which way they lean. But more or less Fox made news reporting better for everyone.