Well, I'll take your word on what the Brits called Who. But, being there was an obvious end, break, and then beginning of seasons/series of Who...all the way back to '63...I highly doubt each run wasn't designated and differentiated--whether they called it a series or a season.


Jaburg: The Master's companion/"wife" rocks! That chick is weirdo-freaky, that's for certain. I think she's supposed to embody a sort of anti-companion. She joined The Master for the same rational as why Martha, or Rose, or any of the rest joined The Doctor. Rose was attracted to the force of good that The Doc exhibits. Similarly, I take it Lucy Saxon gets into the desire for power and destruction that The Master exudes.

Not to mention, that actress is a fucking genius when it comes to subtle, strange emotions and expressions. Like when the Master kicked on that music, and she's in the background doing a weird little dance the entire time? I fucking love that shit. She's as nutty, and broken as he is... \:noice\:


Last edited by Prometheus; 2007-06-24 11:26 PM.