Terra Prime (2)

A human isolationist leader threatens to destroy Starfleet Command unless all aliens leave Earth immediately.

Well, the dickhead who wants to destroy Starfleet headquarters to enforce his rule that aliens must leave Earth was stopped.

The baby that is T'Pols' and Trip's turns out to be a clone from their DNA. T'Pol names it Elizabeth. It dies; not due to being a human - Vulcan hybrid, but due to a flaw in the cloning process.

Tucker tells T'Pol while she is mourning the child that the loss gets better with time.

Great episode... but, it leads to:

These Are The Voyages

Commander William Riker of the Enterprise-D is torn between his loyalty to Captain Picard and his duty to a former captain. To shed some light on his predicament, Riker visits a holodeck recreation of the final mission of the NX-01 and signing of the Federation Charter.

This is the FINAL Enterprise episode. It made me sad to see the show end.

Tucker is killed while trying to stop aliens who are out to get Shran and his daughter. He blows them up and fatally wounds himself in the process.

Shran and his daughter are saved. I grew to like Shran.

We don't get to hear Archer's speech at the end.

Tucker did tell T'Pol that the loss gets better with time. She tells him it does not.

He informs her that abscence makes the heart grow fonder.

I wish he had not died. \:\(

My boyfriend wtached this with me. He said this:

"If they had made the first two seasons as great as the last two,the show wouldn't have been cancelled."

Good point.


Next was Boken Bow prts 1 & 2.

After decades of being held back from deep space exploration by the Vulcans, the human race makes its first venture into interstellar travel with Captain Jonathan Archer at the helm of the Enterprise NX-01. The Enterprise crew's mission is to return an injured Klingon, the first the human race has ever encountered, to his people. But when a villainous race of aliens called the Suliban kidnap the Klingon, Archer and his crew must make an unexpected detour to another planet to retrieve their precious cargo... and stave off a dangerous interstellar diplomatic crisis.

They take the Klingon to Chronos to deliver info that the Suliban are trying to make civil war between the Klingons, to prevent them from being a threat to them.

We first meet Silik the Suliban. He becomes an interesting recurring character.

I am still seeing episodes I have never seen before. \:\)

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.