Originally Posted By: Pig Iran
Enterprise lasted longer than TOS.....it was the best since...the only problem I have with Enterprise is Ryker and Troi fucking up the last episode...pussies.

You can't have pussy Trek fucking up bad ass Trek...

Yeah, I didn't care for the Riker - Troi infestation, either.

Frakes just wanted to appear in another Trek show.. he was in all of them save for TOS..

and I did love when Archer - Kirk - and Picard said " These are the voyages.. "
at episodes end...

Dammit! I want another Trek series, but only if it can be a great show like Enterprise was in it's last two seasons.. but fans don't want to wait, they want it to be magnificent all at once, instantly. \:\(

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.