Booby Trap

While investigating an ancient ship left adrift in space, the Enterprise accidentally trips the ancient booby trap that disabled the old vessel over 1000 years ago.

I freakin' love this one!

Geordi goes into the holodeck, back to the design place for Enterprise 1701 - D, and consults with a holo - Leah Brahms, who is a propulsion expert.

Geordi falls in love with her as they work to free Enterprise from the deadly trap, which will kill the crew with fatal radiation in 26 minutes.

The ship's computer tries through Leah to get the ship out, and Geordi makes this proposal to the Captain, who decides to lead the ship out of the asteroid field himself, and does so quite brilliantly.

The Enemy

A blind Geordi is trapped on a hazardous planet with a paranoid and severely injured Romulan. In orbit, a Romulan Warbird prevents the Enterprise from attempting a rescue mission.

Another superb episode!

Geordi and the Romulan must co-operate to get to the staionary nuetrino pulse thingie that Enterprise put nearby, and change it's signal to let Enterprise know where they are.

Romulan Commander Tomalak is taking his warbird into the nuretal zone to recsue his men.

He lies, telling Picard it was a one man craft, and the Romulan who was rescued
on the plaqnet dies because Worf would not help him with a bone marrow transplant. It was Romulans who killed Worf's parents.

There is a bit of a confrontation that almost leads to a war, but Picard beams Geordi and the surviving Romulan to the Enterprise, sends the Romulan back to his own ship.

This ship was part of an experiment with phased cloaking technology. ( See " The Next Phase" and " The Pegasus " for more on that. )

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.