Blood Fever

Ensign Vorik expresses his desire to mate with B'Elanna during his Pon-Farr. After they get in a brawl over the matter, Torres begins showing signs of the Pon-Farr herself.

B'Elanna, Neelix and Paris beam down to a seemingly deserted planet to get the much needed element, galacite.

B'Elanna begins to show the early signs of Pon - farr. She bites Tom on the face, which means she wants to make fuck with him.

Meanwhile, on Voyager, Vorik seeks treatment for his condition. The Doctor suggests he go to Holodeck 1 and he programs a Vulcan woman for Vorik.

The Doctor returns to the holodeck much later to find a relaxed, now calm Vorik.

Back on the planet, Neelix and Torres have fallen off a cliff but are ok. Tom gets down there. Without their ropes, which broke, they cannot get back up, so they search the caves for galacite, when Chakotay & Tuvok beam down to help. That is when natives confront the group,and tell them that they had hid in the caves to escape deadly alien invaders, who destroyed everything.

A cave in traps Tom and Torres, who are rescued by Chakotay. B'Elanna admits to herself and Tom that she finds him attractive, but he cannot bring himself to mate with her as he does not want to take advantage of her condition.

They tell thye aliens that they will help them to stay undectectable to others in exchange for some galacite.

They try to contact Voyager, but to no avail. Vorik beams down, and informs them that he sabotaged Voyager's comm, transporter and shuttles.

He wants to mate with B'Elanna, who refuses. Tom offers to fight Vorik, but Torres, knowing he is not as strong as Vorik, chooses to fight Vorik herself - and wins. All trace of her Pon - Farr is gone. The fight took it out of Vorik, too.

Voyager is fixed soon and beams them back, but not before Chakotay and Janeway find the body of one of the alien invaders who destroyed the planet - a Borg.

A very good episode. It marks the first appearance of the Borg in this show.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.