Enterprise was on last night. Since Spike is running Kung foo movies all week, it is the only Trek on this week...

Fight Or Flight

Two weeks into their mission, the Enterprise crew is anxious to encounter other intelligent life. However, they soon make a horrifying discovery aboard another starship.

Yeah, they find a ship full of dead aliens. At first, Hoshi freaks out and then the away team gets back to Enterprise.. but, Archer thinks about it and they go back and try to summon others from the ship's race to come, that is when a big, bad, mean looking alien ship arrives, fires on Enterprise, and is about to board Enterprise when a ship from the dead alien's homeworld shows up.. Hoshi is
able to overcome her self doubts about her being helpful on the mission, translates what the aliens in the second ship ( They are the ones who killed the aliens in the ship Enterprise found. ) are saying and gets them to understand that they are friends...

and their new friends destroy the ship that was attacking Enterprise.. cool episode!

Strange New World

Crew members begin to experience hallucinations and paranoia while investigating an uninhabited planet.

This one was kinda wierd. 4 crew members, including T'Pol and Tucker stay on the planet for the night..there's a bad storm and they take shelter in a cave.

It is here that they begin to have halluniactions of seeing "rock people."

This is due to the influencing of the spores of hallunigenic plants blwoing around.

The Doctor is able to beam down something to stop these delusions, but not before everyone except T'POl freaks out.

It was good, but I'd have preferred the rovk people to be real. They looked pretty cool.


When Trip is dispatched to assist a Xyrillian ship with its power source problems, he is delighted to have a friendly encounter with one of the ship's female engineers. However, shortly after returning to Enterprise, he discovers that their special moment has resulted in his becoming pregnant. Now Enterprise must try to track down the Xyrillians in the hope of transferring the rapidly growing embryo to another host.

There was a terrific scene where we see the holodeck that the aliens have, the likes of which we won't see on Enterprise till 200 years later.

This was a very good episode!

Terra Nova

The Enterprise crew alters course to investigate the mystery of Terra Nova, a legendary Earth colony whose inhabitants mysteriously disappeared decades ago. However, when they arrive, they are confronted by descendants of the colonists, who have become more alien than anyone could ever have imagined.

The people in the caves won't accept that they are really humans.

They get over it.

It was an okay episode

and there you have a review of this week's Enterprise episodes!

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.