Runaway Bride : 9/10 (The Racnoss spider-chick was a bit over-the-top for me. Everything else was fun. Loved Donna.)

Smith & Jones : 10/10 (Flawless intro to the new companion, love the new companion, enjoyed the Judoon, Tennant's has really figured out how to play his Doctor...he's found the 'medium-range' of being freaky. I'm digging him. Not sure about the blue suit. But, I like how it's just a kind of back-and-forth thing. Sometimes he wears it. Sometimes he doesn't.)

Good stuff! \:noice\:

Cunty, I'm not sure what the Tate season will be like. But, I sincerely doubt they'll play the entire thing for laughs.

With her and Martha together, it's really shaping up to be a '5th Doctor' crew; Tegan (Donna), and Nyssa (Martha). All they need to do is bring back Adam (Adric) from Season One, and kill him off. Then the circle will be complete...