Eat it!

He saves the lives of countless strangers, but most of the important people in his life (a girlfriend he had unresolved issues with, his father, his best friend) wind up dead at times when he's helpless to do anything. Then, it finally looks like things are starting to get better when he helps turn Batgirl away from "the dark side" and BAM another long time friend (and another person he had unresolved issues with) winds up dead. Is he going to snap? Is he going to become "darker"? What keeps him going in the face of all this crap that's being piled on top of him?

His father's last words to him were something along the lines of "Never question that what you're doing is worth it." But how much more can someone Tim's age take?

One other thing I find interesting about him is that he doesn't seem to be intimidated by ANYONE. Not Batman, not Superman, not Lex Luthor. I guess that comes from spending almost every day around the scariest guy on Earth.

Plus, he doesn't wear those stupid shorts Dick and Jason did (I'm pretty sure it's the shorts and not the whole being killed thing that turned Jason evil. Dick hasn't turned evil, but he'll probably snap before Tim does.)