
While on an away mission to help a planet being bombarded with asteroids, Neelix comes up with a dangerous plan to re-establish communication with Voyager. However, he is pushed to the limit when Tuvok's negative attitude toward him becomes too much to bear.

This is a superb episode!

After their shuttke crashes and is badly damaged, Neelix and Tuvok find an elevator that can take them above an ionsphere which is preventing contact with Voyager.. they take 4 aliens who live on the planet with them.

One alien is poisoned and dies.

His last words were, " Must go on the roof and get it.. "

Tuvok does not want to listen to Neelix, whom he breates, until Neelix stops the elevator and says he will not restart it until someone goes above and finds the "it" to which the dying alien was referring.. and, since only Neelix knwos how to operate the elevator, Tuvok reluctantly agrees and does so. He finds tactical info on a ship belonging to a race of aliens who is responsible for the asteroid bombardment.

Another alien badly injures Neelix, apparently throws Tuvok to his death, and then closes the door so that Tuvok, who is still alive, cannot re- enter the elevator.

Neelix has a concussion but manages to open the door to re - admit Tuvok,who fights with the evil alien, who gets thrown out the door.

After closing the door, Tuvok inspires Neelix to hlep get the remaining 4 of them to safety by telling him that Neelix's sister, Ilixia, ( Whom Neelix had named the elrvator after. ) would have been proud of him.

Neelix gets up and re - starts the elevator, which gets above the planet's ionosphere, and the contact Voyager, who has by now encountered the evil aliens who luanched the asteroid attack on the planet, in order to drive away the colonists and claim the planet as their own...

Tuvok uses the info he has on the alien ship to destroy their shields and weapons array; the aliens are licked and they leave.

Tuvok and Neelix have a typicalk debate at episode's end.

Tuvok likes to have the last word!

A really great episode!

Very much like one of those submarine movies made about WW2.

The sense of fear and claustrophobia represented is quite real.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.