The Offspring

This is one of my top ten Next Gen eps.

Data creates an android daughter, whom he names Lal, which means "Beloved" in Hindi.

Lal is brilliantly portrayed by Hallie Todd.

Admiral Haftel comes aboard Enterprise and decides after talking with Lal that she must be taken away to a Starfleet facility, to be educated.

Lal suffers a cascade failure after talking with Haftel; it is far too soon to seperate Lal from Data, and fear of this may be what caused her positronic net to fail.

Flaw : Haftel ought NOT to have had the power to take Lal away. Android rights were established in the second season, with the episode, " Measure Of A Man. "

It was still a fantastic episode, though.

The part where Lal and Data say goodby was quite moving.

Sins Of The Father

Worf is reunited with his long-lost brother when their father is charged with treason for helping the Romulans. Together they make an appeal to the Klingon High Council to challenge the charges, and have them revoked.

It is really Durass's father who was the traitor that helped the Romulans, but this knowledge of such a respected Klingon family could cause civil war, so, poor old Worf chooses to become the scape gaot, and, in lieu of being executed, accepts discommodation from the Kilngo Empire.

His brother, Kurn, is played very well by Tony Todd, who also starred in the Candyman movies.

This is a terrific episode...!

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.