Tin Man

The Enterprise encounters a "living" ship in the Neutral Zone, and risks breaking the Romulan Federation alliance in order to bring it into contact with a Betazoid emissary.

Harry Groener plays the betazoid telepath Tam Elbran. Groener was also in an Enterprise episode.

Tin Man is a huge, living ship that looks like a ginormous pine cone.

Tam Elbran and the ship, whose name is Gumptu, are in telepathic contact from light years away... impossible for Elbran, but not for Tin Man.

A Romulan ship follows Enterprise : It's mission : Make contact with the alien, or destroy it.

Elbran warns the alien, who destroys the Romulan ship and damages Enterprise badly.

Another Romulan ship arrives.

Elbran and Data transport aboard the alien; it has an area where a crew once lived, until radiation killed them. The ship was lonely and wanted to die, and was in orbit around Beta Strongrin, a star that was about to go nova.

The ship and Elbran bonded. The ship sent Data back to Enterprise and threw Enterprise and the Romulan ship 3.8 billion miles away from the star, which explodes.

Now Elbran, a telepath born with his powers switched on at birth
can relax.. he is away from all the choatic minds of humans. ( He never could shut out the thoughts of others )

A very good episode!!

I slept through Hollow Pursuits, as I was very tired. It's a good one. Wish I had seen it.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.